The bengal cat

Bengal cat

About the delightful Bengal breed.

In 1985, the first shows of the Bengal cat were held in the United States at exhibitions in the class of new breeds. Bengal cat immediately captivated the audience with its unique, truly wild exterior.

But officially registered and allowed the Bengal breed to exhibitions and breeding only in 1991.

The idea of ​​the creator of a new breed of American biologist Jane Mill was that people might stop encouraging the barbaric extermination of the small forest predator Prionailurus bengalensis if he becomes associated with a pet. In addition, she wanted the Bengal kittens, being affectionate and tame, in many other respects would resemble typical inhabitants of the jungle. And now, the core of the breeding program included 8 females, obtained from crossing wild cats with domestic short-haired cats of brown spotted color.

One of the names of a wild Bengal cat

“Leopard cat”, so there may be an assumption about her close relationship with the leopard. In fact, it is not closer to a leopard than a normal domestic cat, although it belongs to another genus – the Asian cat kind.

During the entire breeding route, aggressive, wild, fearful ones were excluded from the breeding program. As well as other colors of the Bengal cat were withdrawn and recognized.

Now the Bengal breed is valuable not only in color, but also in the wild type of body and head structure, as well as habits and qualities of character inherited from the wild world.

Grace and plastic are noticeable in every movement of the Bengal cat, the eyes, large and meaningful, express any emotional state of the animal. An inexhaustible energy and curiosity amaze!

Who loves and watched movies about wild cats immediately notices the natural beauty and talent of the representatives of the Bengal breed.

On the innate intelligence of these animals, their ability to train is based, and conditioned reflexes play the last role here – Bengal cats understand human speech! This makes them look like dogs, remembering which one can not say more about one quality of Bengal – devotion and affection for a man whom they esteem as an older companion, a life partner.

Living with Bengals, you feel an inseparable connection with nature, with its order and harmony.

Phasing for Bengal  cats

Newborn kittens – Bengals look like tiny leopards. However, as they grow up, they enters a period when their color changes: their fur becomes a bit brighter, and so do the spots. This period is called “phasing”.

In the wild, when the kittens take their first steps outside their “home” they are trapped by many predators. Phasing helps protect themselves from predators. During this period, the bright spotted color of the kittens is darker, so that they are not so noticeable against the background of the surrounding nature. This phenomenon is associated with the genetic program of mimicry, the purpose of which is to protect the young ALC from the possible dangers in a jungle.

The protective coloring of Bengal kittens is the time when many breeders prepare their kittens for adaptation in a new house. At around the age of four months, bengals begin to grow rapidly, but the final color is established only at 14-16 months.

This circumstance makes it difficult to determine if the bengal is good for shows, breeding or keeping them just as a pet – the potential of young animals can rarely be predicted. Most experienced breeders, however, do a great job with this task. In all known reputable catteries, each kitten is put up for sale and is assigned to be just a pet, breeding or show-breeding class. Bengal kittens today are perhaps the most expensive in the world, but depending on the class, the price for two kittens from the same litter can vary quite significantly, even at times.

Bengal breed standards of cats

During the formation and development of the breed, the main emphasis was placed on the external similarity of the Bengals with their wild ancestors, but Bengals are really frendly.

Any description of the appearance of the Bengal cat creates an image of a wild forest predator. These are quite muscular cats, strong, with strong bones, distinguished by strong health and endurance. Everything in them gives out excellent hunters, capable of patiently tracking down prey, jumping high and climbing trees. The Bengal body is elongated, the hind legs are slightly higher than the forelegs. Their paws are large, claws drawn to silently creep up to the prey. A cat can sit for a long time, frozen, waiting for the moment to atack. And even a slight movement of the its tail does not betray her presence. A small beautiful head on a strong, muscular neck. Their eyes are expressive, large and almond shaped. When they hunt down prey –  the cold eyes of a hunter. Sometimes in their glance a strange primordial melancholy suddenly appears, as if they are called by the forest and field, their distant homeland. The nose is large, wide, with a convex mirror of the nose. Ears are short, with a wide base, and rounded tips, are set wide and slightly inclined forward, as if they are on guard. The Bengals have high cheekbones and a strong chin.
But most of all impressive luxurious thick and soft fur, to the touch, reminiscent of natural silk. A colorful bright coat is adorned with contrasting stains on warm fur, from sandy to reddish-brown in color, against the background. One of the distinguishing features of the quality of Bengal cats is that their fur has a buetiful reflection. In  the Bengal speisies there is a special structure of wool, which refracts light. Perhaps this is facilitated by the presence of tiny voids in the hairs. The above effect is not a shine, not a sparkle, but a radiance. When you look at a Bengal cat, it seems that the thin, thin rays of light pass through the wool, and it begins to shine. This distinctive quality is a desirable addition to the breed.

Fur Patterns
Figures on the body can be of 2 types: spotted and marbled . There are general requirements. Preference is given to more contrasting, with sharp sharp outlines of spots and divorces. The contrast is created by two, and sometimes three or more, colors and shades.
On a light background, large rosettes or lines of marble color are shaded by a third color from the main background, and the patterns are even more goregous.
On the throat are solid or torn “necklaces” of stains. The lips, eyelids and nose are surrounded by a dark contour of black or brown color and the same paw pads according to the basic color of the coat.
The neck, chest, abdomen, the inner side of the paws are much lighter than the coat on the sides and back, ideally almost white tummy and the inner side of the paws are desirable, this is a characteristic of wild Asian leopard cats. In this case, the stomach, legs and tail are covered with small round or elongated spots. Striped along the length of the tail light and dark spots can be enclosed by rings, the tail end necessarily black or dark brown, depending on the color.
Wild Asian leopard cats have spotted fur coats. Small patches of round or triangular shape are arranged on the body in a random or horizontal position. The same picture we can see in the home Bengals, this figure is called spotted. But sometimes the skins of forest animals were painted with a more complex pattern, consisting of triangles, commas, curved strips. In a combination of genes of wild and domestic cats with directed selection, unusually interesting variants are obtained, and then on the skins instead of simple spots appear beautiful rosettes.
Rosettes are in the form of rings and semirings, can resemble an imprint of the paw. Large individual round spots of solid color are also called rosettes. Preference is given to patterns composed of uniform spots, arranged evenly and isolated from each other. It is important that they do not merge into vertical “tiger” strips. This is a drawback. Large rosettes also should not flow one into the other.
From the shoulders to the tail along the ridge are rows of spots of rounded shape or in the form of curved stripes.

The name of the other picture is marbled – marble, speaks for itself. Twisted, flowing horizontal lines, whimsical stains are very reminiscent of noble marble. But beautiful round spots and concentric circles around them, which are the other domestic cats and are called Americans “bull’s eye”, are not allowed. The same goes for “tiger” bands.
Many Bengal kittens experience the stage of development of the ugly phase (“fuzzyuglies”) as they grow up. Bright and contrasting at three weeks of age kittens in four to five weeks overgrown with ticked kitten fur, the main background dims, and specks fade. This is due to the genetic program that helps protect the youngest Asian leopard cats from the possible dangers trapping them in the jungle! The coat again begins to “clean” and acquire contrast after 12 weeks and again becomes bright again to 6 – 7 months, the final color is set to a year.

Bengal colors
The classical color of Bengals is brown spotted (brown spotted tabby). There are also less common – silvery spotted (black silver spotted tabby), “snow” colors (seal spotted).

Brown spotted tabby:

Bengals of this color are most effective and, most numerous. Stains and patterns from brown or dark brown, to black, on a lighter main background. The basic background of the wool can range from light beige and golden sand to reddish-brown. The tip of the tail is necessarily black or dark brown, depending on the color. Standards give preference to bright saturated tones of yellow and golden color. Paw pads, eye contour, nose and lip lobes should be black. Nose of a brick color. Eye color can be gold, copper, green, bronze or brown.

Black silver spotted tabby:

The main color is pure silvery white, the undercoat is white. Spots and pictures are black. The outline, nose, eyes and lips are black. Pads of paws are coal black, or black-brown. Eye color – from golden to emerald green, saturated deep tones are preferable.


Exhibition scale of points
HEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 points
The form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chin . . . . . . . . . . 3
Muzzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The nose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The neck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
BODY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points
Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Paws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The tail. . . . . . . . . . . … . . 5
The backbone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Musculature. . . . . . . . . 6

WOOL / COLOR / FIGURE … … 35 points
Texture. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

DIVISION: Tabby, Silver / Smoke.
COLORS: only BrownTabby, SealSepiaTabby, SealMinkTabby, SealLynxPoint, BlackSilverTabby, SealSilverSepiaTabby, SealSilverMinkTabby, SealSilverLynxPoint. The picture is only spotted or marbled.


Shape: Wide modified wedge with rounded contours. Rather elongated than wide. In relation to the body is relatively small, but proportional. The skull, slightly convex behind the ears, passes into the neck with a smooth curve. Jaws in adult cats are powerful. In general, the head should be as different as possible from the head of a domestic cat.
Ears: Medium to small, fairly short with a wide base and rounded tips. Supply the widest possible; The lines of the ears continue the contour of the muzzle, if viewed from the front, and are directed slightly forward when viewed from the side. Small horizontal “brushes” are allowed inside, but the lynx brushes on the tips are undesirable.
Eyes: Oval, almost round. Large, but not excessive. Widely placed, planted quite deep and slightly obliquely in relation to the base of the ears. The color of the eyes does not depend on the color of the coat except for the link points. The brighter and more saturated, the better. Chin: Strong, located in line with the tip of the nose.
Muzzle: Stuffed and wide with large, bulging mustache pads, high pronounced cheekbones and small hollows underneath. Nose: Large and wide with a slightly inflated lobe.
Profile: The profile line from the forehead to the nose bridge flows without sharp bending. The bridge is located just above eye level. From it to the tip of the nose stretches a slightly concave, almost straight line.
Neck: Long, strong, muscular, proportional to the head and body.


Body: Powerful and elongated, but not like the orientals or other cats of the eastern type. Size from medium to large (but not as large as in the largest domestic breeds.)
Paws: Medium length, hind legs slightly longer than front.
Soles: Large, round, with protruding joints of fingers.
Tail: Medium length, thick, tapering towards the tip, with a rounded tip.
Backbone: Strong and thorough, in no way subtle.
Musculature: Very powerful, especially in cats – one of the most characteristic signs.


Length: Shorter than average. The kittens are allowed a slightly longer coat.
Texture: Dense, adjacent to the body, extraordinarily tender and silky to the touch.
Pattern: Spotted or marbled.
Spotted Location of spots is arbitrary or horizontally directed. Sockets that demonstrate two different colors or shades and resemble a footprint, a dart tip, a “donut” or “half a donut”, or groin-like, are preferable to single spots, but are mandatory. Contrast with the background should be maximum, giving a clear pattern with sharp outlines. It is desirable that the “necklace” and camouflage strongly marked and clear. If possible, the white color of the abdomen and the purest parts of the body are desirable. A spotted striped horizontal pattern on the shoulders, spotted or rosette tail are allowed. Stains on the abdomen are mandatory.
Marble (Marbled) See Unified Description of TICA Colors (TICA Uniform Color Description (


BrownTabby: All variations of brown are allowed. The color of the picture is in brown and black. Light stroke – “glasses” around the eyes and possibly a whiter shade of the pads of the mustache, chin, neck, abdomen and inner side of the paws are desirable.
SealSepiaTabby, SealMinkTabby, and SealLynxPointTabby: Drawing of brown color, various shades.
The difference between the color of the spots on the body (the actual figure) and the color of the marks should be minimal or absent altogether.


The purpose of the Bengal breed program is to create a domestic cat that has physical abilities of small cats that live in the wild, but with the affectionate nature of domestic cats. Remembering this goal, judges need to attach special importance to these characteristics of the appearance of Bengals, which distinguish them from other thoroughbred domestic cats. Bengal cat is an athletically built animal, instantly reacting to everything that surrounds it, friendly, curious, self-assured, strong, dexterous, balanced and graceful. This cat is the size of an average to large, looks very muscular and sturdy. A broad nose, convex mustache pads, large oval, almost round, eyes with a relatively small head give it the look and look of a night forest predator. Its slightly concave, almost straight, profile and relatively short ears with a wide base and rounded tips add a distinctive unique look of Bengals. Short dense coat – unique soft and silky to the touch. Wool can be with the effect of radiance or not, without preference. A thick, medium-length tail that keeps low makes this cat even more harmonious.


Smaller size (while maintaining proportions) in cats. Slightly longer coat in kittens. Slightly almond shaped eyes. Greyish undercoat. The color of the pads of the paws is not consistent with the accepted in this color.


In spotty cats: vertical bands formed by merged spots and characteristic of mackerel (tiger) pattern. In marble: “bull’s eye” – elements of a figure in the form of a circle. In SealSepia, SealMink and SealLynxPoint cats, the color of the markings is noticeably darker (compared to the color of the figure on the body). Any distinct white spots – “lockets” on the neck, chest, belly or any other place.


Absence of a drawing on the abdomen.
The character of a Bengal cat should not be aggressive. Any manifestation of aggression entails a disqualification. A cat can be shy, can break out and make attempts to escape or loudly meow, but it should not be a threat.
In accordance with the Exhibition Rules, paragraph 16 must be disqualified:
-cats that bite (216.9),
-cats clearly demonstrating the intention to attack (216.10),
-cats, with testicles not lowered into the scrotum (216.11),
-cats that have no tail or part thereof, except for the list of cases authorized by the College Standard Approval Board (216.12.1),
-cats that have more than five toes in the forelegs and more than four to the hind limbs, except where this is the result of an injury or permitted by the College Standard Approval Board (216.12.2), – visible or invisible to the eye defects of the tail, if approved by the College Standard requires disqualification, strabismus, complete blindness, not corresponding to the breed is excessively small size, (216.16.9), flattened sternum or underdevelopment of the thorax (